[Editor: this article first appeared on www.ronsfishingblog and may only be used by permission of Ron Speed Jr.]

Stefanie Hada’s 1st trip to the Amazon produced this 20lb peacock!!
As I mentioned in our February update, we are planning some exploratory trips for the coming season. Our first destination is one that no other houseboat operation (that we know of) is currently fishing. We checked this location years ago and the water was too high for good fishing during those two exploratory trips. We already had gathered solid information that this watershed was holding a lot of BIG peacock bass and thus our reason to check it out. We are going back to have another look and see for ourselves. These exploratory trips are always the most fun for me and everyone we invite to participate. First because it’s new water….second, we only allow those we know that have been on our trips before to participate on these type of trips as we do not know with certainty what we’re going to catch…but with this being a “select group”, we know one thing is for certain…that we’re going to have a great time because we’ll have all great fun people on board! Some of my most fun trips in the world have been these exploratory trips…and not all of them produced good “catching”….but we had fun trying and the wonderful people participating made the trip a blast! These first couple of exploratory trips will be aboard the 5-star Amazon Otter houseboat, using our 17′ Triton bass boats and of course the best fishing guides in the Amazon…our team of Otter fishing guides! If you’re interested in participating on one of these exploratory journeys, give me a call and I’ll give more details….but I will not give specific locations. Just know that we are exploring water that no other operation is currently promoting or fishing.

George Harris Showing off his big peacock!!
We are really starting to fill up the Uatuma/Jatapu fishing season space. The last two years the fishing was incredible in the Uatuma…while the water was a bit too high in the Jatapu. This is what makes fishing this area so fantastic…well, one of the reasons. That is, that if one is too low/too high, the other is generally good. Also, with the water a bit too high the last two years in the Jatapu, those fish didn’t get pressured at all. If the water returns to a good level this season in the Jatapu, I can only imagine how great the number of giant peacocks we’ll experience! These two tributaries are money! Just keep producing every year. Having both of these great peacock tributaries together, provides us with many options when the water in a particular area becomes non-conducive for good fishing. This is why this area has produced for our entire 24 years of fishing it and continues to produce…year in and year out! We will tie in the exploratory trips just prior to starting the season in the Uatuma/Jatapu and therefore allow some of our anglers to fish both….the new water (exploratory) and then the Uatuma/Jatapu. We already have a number of anglers signed up to do JUST THAT!
Remember, no other peacock bass operator in the Amazon has been doing these houseboat trips longer than we have nor been as successful. There’s a reason why we’re still there producing great fishing and happy customers…because we’ve been at this a very long time and we know what we’re doing! We also have the best partner in the Amazon and best houseboat with staff and guides. No other operation has more experience…from staff and guides to knowing logistics, SAFETY, culture and just making our valuable customers happy! All of the bass boats have been upgraded with new 4-stroke Yamaha outboard motors and new Motorguide trolling motors. We also offer all tackle, rods and line so you do not have to tote heavy rod cases and check extra luggage for tackled. You only need to bring your own fishing reels, which doesn’t take much space or require an extra checked bag. All of our lures are custom made to give you the best chance at landing these big powerful peacocks! We make this trip as easy as possible for you so you can just get away and enjoy all that the Amazon Basin offers…which is much more than just a great fishing experience. A TRUE ADVENTURE!
Call us today to book your Amazon trip of a lifetime!!!

The amazing Amazon Otter