Spring 2024 Mexico Fishing Update
[Editor: this article first appeared on www.ronsfishingblog and may only be used by permission of Ron Speed Jr.]

Mike Sanders with a beautiful 10.4lbs El Salto HAWG!!
It’s been a long time since we’ve seen our customers catch so many 5 – 7 pound bass per day, per boat! One might think that 5 – 7 pound bass aren’t really that big but when you take into consideration how many are being caught per boat per day WHILE WAITING FOR THAT GIANT to bite, well…it’s quite impressive! It’s also incredibly FUN! This is definitely not a “feast or famine” type of season we’re having in 2024. Meaning we’re not having a “catch a bunch of 2 and 3 pound bass while waiting for that big girl to bite. Quite the opposite as I’ve had numerous customers call me after their trip to tell me the insane amount of 5 – 7 pound bass they caught each day. In fact, just last week we saw one boat (2 anglers) land 20 bass OVER 7 POUNDS!!! We all know that on trophy bass fishing or trophy hunting trips, not everyone will bag a trophy. So what’s there for the angler or hunter that doesn’t land that trophy of a lifetime? THAT…is what makes outdoorsmen happy or disappointed with their fishing and hunting experience. The true word is “FUN”…did you have fun on your fishing or hunting trip? Did the trip meet expectations? Well, I can honestly say that the majority of our El Salto customers this season have returned with having everything meet, if not exceed expectations!

JW Peterson with one of his 3 Salto bass of 10 pounds recently!!
Our longtime friend J.W. Peterson from Dallas just returned from 11 days of fishing Lake El Salto. J.W. was there for 11 days because he had 3 different groups come to fish over that period. In those 11 days, J.W. landed 5 bass of 8 lbs; 4 bass of 9 lbs; 3 bass of 10 lbs; and his largest weighed 11.2 lbs!!! Even though he was there for that many days, that’s still amazing numbers of big bass “LANDED”…and does not include the big ones he lost. Also, just as amazing, J.W. reported that he would guess that nearly 50% of the total bass he landed were OVER 5 POUNDS!!!! Now that is truly amazing when he and his fishing partner were averaging approximately 40 – 60 bass per day. That backs up what I said (above) of numerous customers reporting a lot of 5 – 7 pound bass being caught each day!!!!

Karl Kouns with a nice 8 pound Salto trophy!!
Lastly, while this season has been (so far) our best season on average size and trophy bass, the total number of bass landed each day has been fewer than last year. We’re talking about 40 – 50 bass per boat, per day since December. However, nobody is complaining about less action because of the average size being so incredible. Plus, everyone that books with us to fish at Lake El Salto, does not book to El Salto to go catch NUMBERS…but rather SIZE. For those looking for more numbers or making action/numbers the main priority, those customers book to fish with us at Lake Picachos. MORE on the latest for Picachos below.

JW Peterson with another 10 pound Salto GIANT!!!
Don’t miss the great season we’re having at Lake El Salto NOW. We never know from one season or year to the next what the fishing will be like. Too many variables involved and of course Mother Nature and the Monsoon Season will play a HUGE part each year. We know what’s “in the pudding” right now…this season.

JW….Just another 10 pounder at El Salto!!
Call us TODAY to get in on the big bass action at El Salto while it’s HOT. There’s about 4 months left until the Monsoon Season begins (mid-July)…and even then, the fishing can still be superb for most of July after the rains begin. CALL US NOW!

JW Peterson 11pound Salto Monster!!

Larry Green landed this 11.25 pound Picachos GIANT in late February!!
Remember my “FALL 2023 NEWSLETTER”? If you didn’t read it, you absolutely need to read it NOW. That Picachos section of the newsletter was focused on what Picachos produced last April and May 2023 or during the BIG GIZZARD SHAD SPAWN. We had tons of bass caught over 5 pounds during April and May as those big gizzard shad spawning drew those bigger bass out of the deep water to hem up those shad in the shallow mud creeks and “guts”. Many days we had boats landing well over 30 bass per day OVER 5 POUNDS…with many in the 6 and 7 pound class! Also some 8 and 9 pounders. It happens every April…and some years in May as well…especially early May. It’s almost like clockwork. Soooo, as I stated in the title, “IT’S ABOUT TO GET CRAZY” (at Picachos). There’s still time, Folks!
I won’t post anymore in this Picachos Update as all you need to do is click on that link above to go read our FALL 2023 UPDATE about Picachos fishing in April/May. I will say this about a recent big bass landed by one of our customers (Larry Green) at Picachos last week on a white spinnerbait. That big bass weighed 11.25 pounds!!! Yes, you read that right….11.25 POUNDS!!!
This update is short but sweet as we’re still in the middle of the fishing season. Lake El Salto is absolutely on fire. Picachos is steady but about to get CRAZY over the next couple of months. I’ll update near the end of the dry season (June). I fully expect to bring you MORE great fishing reports and stories.
Good Fishin’ and God Bless!
Ron Speed, Jr.